Noticing and making use of content you find interesting
One powerful learning tool is simply noticing. That means noticing words and constructions you have
One powerful learning tool is simply noticing. That means noticing words and constructions you have
Input is essential to learning a language. The reason for this is twofold: Languages are
How to use dictionaries Use dictionaries when you encounter key unknown words that you want
People choose to review cards in three general ways: Prompt with target language and try
Your beginner course should eventually start running out of “easy wins” with the grammar. These
After you’ve found a new language course for self-study, exactly how you use your beginner
Learning more words is generally a better way of boosting your comprehension than actively studying
Vocabulary is generally the more underrated of the two core components. A huge portion of
While the noticeable progress feels good, you will learn faster overall with the help of
You learn words and grammatical forms by repeatedly encountering them in context, meaning these things
There are four mediums that enable you to learn some aspect of your language. They
Think of learning language as something that becomes a part of your life rather than
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