7 tips for learning foreign languages on the road
Now, all long-term travellers know how important it may be to know the basics of
Now, all long-term travellers know how important it may be to know the basics of
There is a dizzying array of tools to help you learn a language. This is
I can’t tell you how many of my Japanese friends learned English through song lyrics.
At LinguaLift, we strongly believe that there’s no rush when it comes to language learning,
Shadowing is an advanced learning technique where you listen to a text in your target
LOLcats can be funny, sarcastic and even offensive, but did you know they can also
Students often get lazy when it comes to learning new vocab, be it in their
One aspect of language learning that is highly underestimated by most students is networking and
One thing I love about learning new vocabulary is how easy it is to integrate
All languages have some form of formal and casual speech. This means that we change
Michael Gakuran is well known for his Gakuranman blog full of fun, yet thought-provoking comments
I’ve long thought that it would be a good idea to conduct interviews with my
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