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Common mistake: Going over the same material too many times

This mistake is about going over something you’ve already learned either because you haven’t assimilated it properly or because your learning is not focused enough.


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For example, some language learners may always look at the same set of examples of sentences to learn a grammar concept, or go over the same vocabulary list every time they’re learning vocabulary.

This means that they’re not using that time to learn new concepts and look at a variety of examples of language structures.

How to fix it:

Once it’s done, it’s done.

If your goal is to learn 10 new words, go over them until you can move some of them to a separate list – you can call it ‘words to go over next month’. Leave them alone until next month. For now, you know them but you may want to refresh your knowledge next month.

The same rule applies to going over the same resources. We know it’s tempting to read the same textbook all the time but it can be monotonous.

The key to acquiring language concepts effectively is to look at a variety of examples. The more examples you see, the more familiar the new language concepts will seem. You’ll also be less likely to get bored!

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