Getting bored of a language is probably one of the most common reasons why language learners consider quitting.
You can also get bored of the learning process itself – going through vocabulary lists, using flashcards, or reading short stories about topics you have no interest in.
Many language learners don’t realise that they have the power to make language learning interesting. They don’t have to follow the textbooks they find boring if it’s not working for them.
It goes without saying that learning when you’re bored is not effective.
How to fix it:
Connect your language learning activities to your interests. What are you interested in? Sport? Use blogs about sport to do your reading practice.
Find an online exchange partner who supports the same football team as you. Learn vocabulary that will help you discuss your passion. Watch YouTube tutorials on how to exercise effectively.
Look for language learning resources that are specifically tailored to your hobbies. For example, if you enjoy cooking, find recipes in the language you are learning and try cooking them.
If you enjoy gaming, play games in the language you are learning or join online gaming communities where you can communicate with other players in the target language.
If you enjoy reading, choose books or articles in your target language.
Always follow your interests – learning a language shouldn’t be boring!