We are here to guide you every step of the way on your journey to fluency. We create customized study plans, answer your questions, even assign and correct homework.
Japanese Tutor
Hi! My name’s Miho, and I’m from Japan. I have a degree in Linguistics from Hokusei Gakuen University. I’ve been involved in the language education field for eight years, teaching Japanese and English. I love to travel and enjoy experiencing new cultures (and new food!). I’ve travelled over 50 countries, where I’ve had the opportunity to experience amazing cultures and to test my skills with many languages. Some more successful than others. (But all of them fun!) I have a passion for teaching, and LinguaLift is a great way for me to share my passion and knowledge. Remember, I’m always here to help. Can’t wait to hear from you!
Russian Tutor
Privyet! Come and join the wonderful world of language learning! I helped author our Russian course and will be your guide for all things Russian. I’ve always been interested in the study of languages, which is why I studied Linguistics in University. I enjoy helping people learn languages, and especially helping them to discover the most efficient way for each person to learn. We all learn differently and at our own pace, but there are universal strategies and formulas that are proven to work. They just need to be customized for your individual needs. I’ll guide you through this process and be here for anything you need.
Hebrew Tutor
Shalom! Through my many years of teaching Hebrew, I’ve came up with clear and concise explanations that, I hope, help my students learn faster and never lose the feeling that learning a language is fun. I am happy to have the chance to be here for you with the LinguaLift team and to help you with your Hebrew by sharing my knowledge and answering your questions! Enjoy your course here, keep up your learning, remember – language is all about practice, day after day, like going to the gym! Looking forward to helping you on this Hebrew-learning journey.
French Tutor
Salut ! I’m Jamie, the French tutor for LinguaLift, and I’m looking forward to helping you on your French-learning journey. I studied Linguistics, so I guess you could say I’m a bit obsessed with languages. I live in France where I teach both French and English in the classroom. Learning languages is so much easier when we can communicate with others, both to put our learning into practice and to share the challenges that we’ve been facing. I’ll be available on the LinguaLift app to answer any and all of your questions relating to the French language.
Spanish Tutor
¡Hola! I’m Luisa, the Spanish tutor for LinguaLift. I love hearing from new students who have an interest in learning Spanish. I’m from Argentina, and I’ve been a language teacher for many years which has given me the tools to help guide new students on their path to fluency. My true passion is teaching, which is why I love being a part of the LinguaLift team. Everyone here is so devoted to finding the most efficient ways to learn languages, and sharing it with the world. I look forward to answering your questions and helping you in any way I can. Good luck on your language journey and I hope to hear from you soon!
Our most successful students take full advantage of what our tutors have to offer. Language learning isn’t frustrating or boring when you have expert tutors to guide and encourage you. We’re here to help! This is what we do.
Try a free lesson with LinguaLift today.
LinguaLift is a product of the feedback that we get from our learners. We use two kinds of feedback, and we treat them with equal importance.
The first is the hundreds of thousands of entries of real learning data in our databases. Every week, real teachers look at how our students are progressing through our courses, and identify areas where we can help our students learn quicker, and retain their knowledge for longer.
The second is the hundreds of wonderful emails we receive from students each month. The management team reads each and every one, and some of our most popular features were first suggested to us by our students.
Here’s just a small selection of the feedback that our students have sent to us recently.
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